Hydrochemical Analysis of Some Springs of Salominao Village of Vani Municipality
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Как цитировать

Chikovani, M., Kupatashvili, N., Endeladze, N., Rukhaia, K., & Makhareishvili, M. (2024). Hydrochemical Analysis of Some Springs of Salominao Village of Vani Municipality. Georgian Scientists, 6(2), 433–438. https://doi.org/10.52340/gs.2024.06.02.45


For the first time, a hydrochemical analysis of some springs of Salominao village of Vani municipality was conducted. The content of magnesium, calcium, hydrocarbonate, chloride and sulfate ions, dry balance, permanganate oxidizability, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide content and BOD5 are determined. Relatively simple and fast chemical and physico-chemical methods with good reproducibility were selected for determination. Biogenic substances have been determined by the photometric method.

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Библиографические ссылки

M. Chiqovani, N. Kupatashvili. M. Jolokhava. Hidrochemikal al analysis of some fresh Waters of Lejokhe, Letane And Mikawa Villages of Tsalenjikha Municipality. International Scientife Journal Theorical & Applied Science.Vol.127. seria N 11. 2023. Gv 238-241

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M. Chikovani, N. megrelisvili, A. Kvastiani. Hydrochemikal examination of Muasi and Lentekhi mineral Water of Lentekh district. RS Global Jurnals. World Science . Vol.4. N76. Gv.1-3.

M. Chiqovani, M.Gabelashvili, M.Zarqua, N.Megrelishvili.Hudrochemikal and Sanitary Mikrobiologikal Reseatch Of The Elena HillSpring Waters in Rhe Nakhunao Community of Martvili municipality. RS Global Jurnals. World Science . Vol. 1. 58.2020. gv 27-31.

M. Chikovani, N. Kupatashvili, M. Kurasbediani . Hudrochimikal Analysis Of Some Mineral Waters. European Sciences review Scientific journal. N 5-6 . 2019. Gv 123-127

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