Temperature stabilization during cooling of multi-cascade photovoltaic converters receiving solar energy
PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

thermosiphon cooling system
solar energy
photoelectric converter

Как цитировать

Khachidze, T., Khachidze, N., & Kapanadze, I. (2023). Temperature stabilization during cooling of multi-cascade photovoltaic converters receiving solar energy. Georgian Scientists, 5(4), 153–158. https://doi.org/10.52340/gs.2023.05.04.13


The article presents studies related to the development of a thermosyphon cooling system for solar cells. An efficient cooling system of solar photovoltaic converters based on the thermosiphon principle was developed and investigated by the authors. A heat transfer fluid with a specific boiling point was selected. It can be concluded from the research that for cooling of photovoltaic converters, compared to other methods, the thermosiphon cooling system is much more effective, especially at high concentration of solar energy. At the same time, it provides quite good temperature stabilization of the elements.

PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

Avaliani J. J., Kordzakhia I. I., Avaliani I.M., Chikovan R. I. , Khachidze T. I. Investigation of solar cell temperature for different cooling systems and concentration degrees. GEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS. 2012, No.1 (vol.61), pp. 66-69.

Т.Ю. Салова. Основы теории и расчета тепловых труб, Учебное пособие, Санкт-Петербург, 2018, 68стр.

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