Transit system and benefits of its operation
PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

Border infrastructure
Trade barrier
Harmonized procedures
Efficiency of transit operations

Как цитировать

Ramazashvili, N. (2022). Transit system and benefits of its operation. Georgian Scientists, 4(5), 259–265.


After the end of the Second World War, there was a rapid increase in trade in goods in Europe. Due to the long and complicated customs procedures every time the goods crossed the border, the trade procedures were complicated. All this was aimed at drawing up an international agreement, which should contribute to the creation of a free trade space. Border infrastructure is an important element in reducing border congestion. Inadequate infrastructure is often a major obstacle to establishing efficient transit, even if customs procedures are streamlined and efficient. Smooth movement of transit cargo requires quality infrastructure. When transit documents are  already issued in advance, truck drivers can use designated "transit lanes" and remain in their vehicles. Transit operations necessarily include various regulatory requirements imposed by government agencies other than customs.
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