Priorities of financial management of liquidity and profitability
In order to ensure the efficient functioning of the company in modern conditions, the management should realistically evaluate both, its own and potential competitors' economic situation. As a rule, the desire of the company management is to maximize profit which leads to the risk of liquidity loss. While analyzing the solvency and profitability of the company, the most important thing is the interpretation of the obtained results, the ability to use them to optimize economic and financial processes, which will help the company implement its activities successfully. The purpose of the study is to determine the priorities of the companies in managing liquidity and profitability. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to consider the theoretical foundations of liquidity and profitability, to analyze liquidity and profitability, which will allow us to determine the priority directions of financial management. The positive dynamics of profitability indicators causes low level of liquidity, which requires to balance these indicators and make appropriate decisions.
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