In the "digital era," where technology is advancing more quickly than anything else, security and surveillance systems are no exception (video surveillance cameras; fire alarms; security alarms; access systems; environmental measurement products detecting air pollution level, humidity, temperature etc.). This industry is constantly advancing in terms of technology. Artificial intelligence and many others are actively being introduced in this field. Of course, it is possible to buy the technological systems stated above. They are widely available online. However, their technological aspect and the principles behind creating such "smart" products are generally fascinating. https://innotech.ge/full-color-technology-2/ ; https://innotech.ge/. Today's most popular model Arduino UNO platform is used as an example to demonstrate how to build surveillance and security systems using its interface, which is based on the AIR Quality Semiconductor Sensor-MQ135 and the utilization of the PIR Motion Sensor block's characteristics. The project model integration process in both a virtual and physical context is described in detail and analyzed in the paper. The following are specifically used: An Arduino UNO microcontroller board, the Arduino Software IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a local code editor on the PC, and the virtual online platform tinkercad.com. The work is supplemented by pertinent electronic diagrams, schemes, software code, descriptions of fundamental functionalities, links to virtual project simulation, real-world application, and links to video recordings of the experiment in order to demonstrate the project model's smooth operation.
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