The present work with the classic examples on the surface of regularity evidently illustrates a dangerous situation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in the light of the 2022-23 Russia-Ukraine war. Serious questions concerning the legitimacy of the OSCE in the 21st century have been raised by the 2008 Russia-Georgia war when Russia used military force outside its borders for the first time after the collapse of the Soviet Union against another OSCE participating state. In 2022-23, a large-scale confrontation between the two participating states in the half-century history of the OSCE is taking place which makes the future of the OSCE obscure. The conclusions drawn as a result of the research are based upon the review of the latest research works on the basis of the well-known European research centers. The scientific quest of the problem reveals that after the end of the Russia-Ukraine war the OSCE will serve as one of the main platforms for Western-Eastern negotiations which, in turn, would preserve the organization's legitimacy.
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