In many countries, including Georgia, there are different types of risks involved when prescribing medicine. One of such risk is polypharmacy. The treatment of elderly patients with arterial hypertension is closely related to this problem. The aim of this study was to identify the cases of excessive and inappropriate prescription and administration of drugs during the treatment of arterial hypertension as well as to determine the necessity of a clinical pharmacist in clinics to prevent adverse drug interactions. The research was carried out in the “Evex” clinic, patients with arterial hypertension were interviewed. A total of 120 respondents. Most of the surveyed patients have other concomitant diseases along with hypertension. 63% of patients confirm that they take up to 5 medications during the day. 75% of patients don’t read the annotation of the medication. The survey, conducted for the doctors clearly showed that 44% of them receive more than 15 patients per day. Only 65% of the doctors who participated in study orally explain the rules of taking medicines to the patient. Only 11% percent of doctors use the recommendations of the clinic’s pharmacist when prescribing medication. As a result of the research, it was revealed that: until now, there is no complete system of pharmaco-supervision to regulate the problem of polypharmacy and it is also vitally important that the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection pay more attention to the collaboration between clinical pharmacist and doctor as well as demand the presence of a clinical pharmacist at the clinic.
Библиографические ссылки
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