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Tatanashvili, M., Murtazashvili, T., Jokhadze, M., Sivsivadze, K., & Gokadze, S. (2023). AROMATASE ENZYME INHIBITORY EFFECT OF GRAPE VINE POLYPHENOLS. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 56, 143–146. извлечено от


Breast cancer is one of the most common pathologies in the world and the fifth cause of cancer-related deaths. In this regard, the current situation and perspective in Georgia is unfavorable. Studies have shown that inhibiting the enzyme aromatase slows down the growth of breast cancer, as well as inhibiting the recurrence of breast cancer. Currently, selective synthetic inhibitors of aromatase, such as anastrozole, exemestane, testolactone, letrozole, are actively used for the treatment of breast cancer. It is clear from the data of the literature that polyphenols, including phytoestrogens, have the ability to inhibit the enzyme aromatase. Many natural compounds and plant extracts have been studied for this purpose. Nevertheless, in the sources available to date, there are few full-fledged complex studies on the mentioned pharmacological activity of the phenolic compounds obtained from the raw materials of grapes. Special attention should be paid to the study of resource-saving raw materials for vines, such as grape vine shoots and seeds, for their further use. Accordingly, the use of grape vine, which is growing in Georgia, raw materials in as a new, natural source of aromatase inhibitory substances is an urgent issue of modern pharmacy.

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Библиографические ссылки

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