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Ключевые слова

cerebral arterial aneurysm, angiospasm, ischemia, cerebral edema, vasoactive preparations

Как цитировать

Gunia, D., Ingorokva, G., Ekvtimishvili, E., & Basiladze, G. (2021). PREDICTION OF THE TREATMENT RESULTS IN PATIENTS WITH ANGIOSPASM AFTER SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE, CAUSED BY ARTERIAL ANEURYSM. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 50, 44–47. извлечено от


Treatment of angiospasm as one of the most dangerous complications of subarachnoid hemorrhage in the cerebral arterial artery rupture constitutes an actual problem. Possibility of the cerebral vessels visualization have permitted to use intraarterial infusion of vasoactive preparations (IAIVAP) for treatment of angiospasm. Therapeutic efficacy for angiospasm, cerebral ischemia and edema depends on many factors and even in applications of IAIVAP not always terminates successfully.The disease predictors studying makes possible to plan the intensive therapy tactics correctly, to prognosticate the disease course and the results of treatment. While analyzing the material there were used statistical methods of the data processing, permitting to reveal the prognostically meaningful criteria, influencing the treatment efficacy for angiospasm and its consequences. There was proved the influence of some predictors on the survival and mortality indexes, as well as on disablement and securing of ability to work in patients after application of IAIVAP. It was estabilished, that conduction of IAIVAP had promoted trustworthy increase of the survival indexes, as well as the decrease of mortality and the disablement rate in patients suffering from angiospasm, cerebral ischemia and edema.

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Библиографические ссылки

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