Pityriasis rosea Gilbert is an inflammatory, self limited dermatosis, that is characterized by an oval and circular, maculopapular and erythematosquamous rash. The exact cause is still unknown, but in a recent period, significant attention is devoted to the infective theory, which is probably related to our clinical report. We present a familial case of a 26-year-old patient, with multiple rashes on his upper extremities and trunk area. During the inspection of the patient, it was discovered that his general condition was satisfactory. Body temperature was within normal limits. Lymph nodes weren’t palpable. During the examination of visible mucous membranes, pathological changes weren’t observed. The eruptions on the body were numerous, symmetric, oval and circular, small sized plaques with fine scale on the lower part of the body, there wasn’t spread of lesions on lower extremities. During a survey of the patient, it was found that his wife also had a similar rash. A potassium hydroxide examination of skin scrapings for fungal elements was negative. Patient and his wife were diagnosed with Pityriasis rosea Gilbert’s familial case, probably caused by virus agent. Recommendations were given to the patients and proper treatment was prescribed.
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