DOI:Ключевые слова:
Formulations, Technologies, Hygienic, Cosmetic ToothpasteАннотация
The oral cavity and teeth are systematically affected by both external and internal factors (unhealthy lifestyle, improper nutrition, weakened immune system, seasonal allergies, infections, various complications of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Based on the above, we aimed to develop toothpastes for daily use, highly effective, safe, containing components of natural origin, hygienic purpose and cosmetic care. As a result of technological and biopharmaceutical research, two optimal compositions of hygienic cosmetic care toothpaste were selected and developed from the 13 studied compositions: Composition of toothpaste F11 (white clay 3.5g, zinc oxide 3.5g, sodium chloride 1g, carboxymethylcellulose 0.4g, lactose 0.4g, glycerin 6g, distilled water 23, 5 ml, calcium carbonate 8g, castor oil 2.75g, sodium lauryl sulfate 0.5g, lemon essential oil 0.5g); Composition of toothpaste F13 (white clay 4g, zinc oxide 4g, sodium chloride 2g, carboxymethylcellulose 1g, lactose 1.5g, glycerin 6g, distilled water 15ml, calcium carbonate 10g, castor oil 1g, sodium lauryl sulfate 1g, sage extract 4g, sage essential oil 0.5g); Technological schemes and preparation technologies have been developed. The quality characteristics of toothpastes have been studied.
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