DOI:Ключевые слова:
sleeping pills, pharmaceutical aid, insomniaАннотация
The paper examines the role of the clinical pharmacist in analyzing insomnia pharmacotherapy to reduce the risks of adverse drug interactions, adverse self-medication outcomes and drug side effects. Surveys of doctors and pharmacists have been conducted. According to research results, most pharmacists directly recommend sleeping pills to patients with insomnia, without consulting the patience, which is not correct. During treatment, side effects of medications are very often revealed. It is important that the pharmacist inform the patient about the correct dosage, frequency of administration and possible side effects. A study of the anamnesis and prescription of patients with mental disorders and insomnia at the clinic confirmed the need for collaboration between the clinical pharmacist and the physician to optimize pharmacotherapy and reduce side effects, while saving doctor’s time during treatment monitoring.
Библиографические ссылки
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Daniel J Buysse /Insomnia/ Affiliations expand PMID: 23423416 PMCID: PMC3632369 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2013.19 feb.20; 309.