lazolex, aphthous stomatitis, immunomodulatory effectivity, treatmentAbstract
The purpose of this study was to study the immunomodulatory and clinical properties of the Georgian drug “LAZOLEX” in patients with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS). Clinical and Immunological parameters were studied in 50 patients, the results showed the correlation between the condition of immune system and the severity of the RAS, i.e., the most severe immunosuppression was recorded in patients with severe stomatitis. 5% Gel of “LAZOLEX” compared to traditional therapy, showed the same high clinical activity, but the presence of immunocorrective properties in LAZOLEX manifested itself in an improvement in the quality of patient treatment: decrease of time of epithelization and a significant increase in the duration of remission. Conducted clinical, laboratory and immunological studies allow us to recommend LAZOLEX for active use in dental practice for RAS.
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