Polypharmacy, chronic hypertension, treatment, risksAbstract
Polypharmacy is an unsolvable problem of modern medicine. Such cases are especially frequent in the treatment of chronic hypertension. The aim of the study was to determine the role of the clinical pharmacist in the elimination of polypharmacy, to find out how often do doctors prescribe more than 5 medications and what is the cooperation between them and the pharmacist in the pharmacotherapy. The research was conducted at the base of „Evex Clinics”. Two types of questionnaires were prepared, one for doctors and the other for their patients. The survey was anonymous, 120 patients with arterial hypertension and 73 doctors of various profiles working in „Evex Clinics” were interviewed. The results show that 60% of patients are prescribed more than 5 medications, which increases the frequency of polypharmacy. 65% of the interviewed doctors only verbally explain to the patient the features of taking the medication and 25% of them do not explain at all, which may lead to unwanted and harmful interactions caused by the wrong use of drugs. It is at such times that the clinical pharmacist needs to provide the patient with the necessary information and, if necessary, monitor the pharmacotherapy.We believe that a clinical pharmacist, after receiving appropriate qualifications, will be able to minimize the adverse effects of polypharmacy together with a doctor.
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