Significance of Teaching and Learning English Phonetics (Pronunciation), Influencing Factors and the Methods to Overcome those Challenges

Significance of Teaching and Learning English Phonetics (Pronunciation), Influencing Factors and the Methods to Overcome those Challenges


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Pronunciation, Influencing Factors, Teaching and Learning


The English language is widely spoken across the world and has a significant impact on various aspects of society. The purpose of learning foreign languages is to improve communicative competence (CC). While speaking in English, one may use accurate grammatical structures and lexical items, but if the accent and intonation are incorrect, it may cause difficulties in communication and the result might be the listener's misunderstanding of the speakers message. It is challenging for English language learners to achieve native-like pronunciation. The goal of teaching pronunciation should make the listener easily understood by both native and non-native speakers, the conversation should be understood without unnecessary difficulties and tension. The theme of pronunciation and communication is a complex one that involves multiple factors. It includes the various forms of the English language, the significance of the native speaker model in teaching, the preservation of identity, and the impact of the native language on pronunciation. It is essential to strike a balance between teaching the standard pronunciation and helping learners to be easily understood without undue pressure to achieve a native-like accent.




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