ემოციური ინტელექტი მხატვრულ ლიტერატურაში
https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2024.09.51საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ემოციური ინტელექტი, ლიტერატურა, ჯანსაღი და ობიექტური ამბიციაანოტაცია
We all have two minds - thinking and feeling. These two fundamental forms of knowledge interact to shape our lifestyles and values, defined by emotional intelligence. The aim of the research is to analyze how the mentioned issue is presented in artistic works. Which character, how, to what degree, responds to the above challenge.
Emotional intelligence dictates to the heroes of the artistic work not to fight but to accept the spiritual and intellectual potential found in themselves through self-awareness; This acceptance fosters the intrinsic motivation to mobilize resources for the benefit of self and others. And this gives you the opportunity for healthy socialization, existence and coexistence through sympathy, empathy. This approach is a necessary condition for the development of emotional intelligence in a person.
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