წინადადების ტიპები და გამოხატვის საშუალებები სარეკლამო სლოგანებში

წინადადების ტიპები და გამოხატვის საშუალებები სარეკლამო სლოგანებში


  • ნათელა ფარტენაძე ბათუმის შოთა რუსთაველის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი image/svg+xml



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

წინადადების ტიპები, სარეკლამო სლოგანი


The syntactic structure of slogans is determined by the structure of sentences, word order and modality.

In advertising texts, we most often find slogans with simple sentence structure, since for slogan creators, brevity is the starting point to perfectly convey an idea using a minimum number of words. Therefore, nominal sentences predominate among them.

The number of cases of using complex sentences as slogans is lower compared to using simple ones. As slogans, there are subordinate sentences with homogeneous predicates, subjects and attributes. There are very few examples of the use of complex subordinate sentences with heterogeneous members as slogans. As for conjunctive and non-conjunctive formations, non-conjunctive sentences predominate in the slogans. In slogans conveyed by complex subordinate sentences, the dependent component-sentence most often follows the main one, i.e. the postpositional structure predominates, the interpositional structure is almost absent. As for function, additional subordinate clauses predominate here; other types of subordinate clauses are relatively less common. Although reduced complex sentences are not often found as slogans, they are effective and expressive, they convey a broad idea to the addressee in a concise and simple form, and this is the purpose of the slogan. The study of the types of sentences and means of expression in advertising slogans reveals a peculiar connection between linguistics and marketing. A research of the complexity of declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences in advertising has revealed the deliberate manipulation of language to influence consumer behavior. Creative use of language such as puns, sentence structure and bright images, helps advertisers attract attention and convey persuasive messages. Understanding the variety of sentence structure and expressive techniques used in slogans not only enriches our linguistic analysis, but also provides valuable information for effective communication in the advertising field.




კვაჭაძე, 2010 - კვაჭაძე ლ., თანამედროვე ქართული ენის სინტაქსი, მესამე შევსებული გამოცემა. გამომცემლობა „განათლება“, თბილისი.

კვაჭაძე, 2008 - ქართული ენის ენციკლოპედია, თბილისი.

ენციკლოპედიური ლექსიკონი. http://www.nplg.gov.ge/gwdict/index.php?a=list&d=14&t=dict&w1=%E1%83%96

სამოქალაქო ენციკლოპედიური ლექსიკონი, 2008 - ი. მანჯავიძე, ლ. ლაბაური, მ. კვაჭაძე. თბილისი.





