ლინგვოკულტუროლოგიური პარადიგმა კულტურის ასპექტში
https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2024.09.36საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ლინგვოკულტუროლოგიური პარადიგმა, კულტურაანოტაცია
Article aims to discuss the interrelation of Linguoculturological paradigm in the aspect of Culturology. In modern linguistics language is connected with the phenomena of cultura, this new vision of language is called linguoculturological paradigm. The first and main argument implies paradigmal status of linguoculturology as a research trend. Moderm undestanding of a text and structure has linguosemiotical character based on the understanding of literary works as literary communication. This point requiring synthesis of linguistics and literary theory. According to the context of culture, we should consider ,,literary world’’ as cultural world, which represents Referential space and is considered from linguoculturological paradigm
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