ხელოვნების ენა -კულტურის ძირითადი მახასიათებელი

ხელოვნების ენა -კულტურის ძირითადი მახასიათებელი


  • ნანა გულიაშვილი თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი image/svg+xml



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

ხელოვნება, კულტურა, კომუნიკაცია


Art can be considered  as a special language. It has a number of features of a national language. In addition to the existence of such forms of art as literature and synthetic forms of art based on it, the language of art exhibits more closeness to the properties of natural language. So, for example, the language of science is also an artificial language, but its nature is symbolic, or in other words, it is only a system of signs and does not contain worldview and worldview content, Thus, by analogy with natural language, art as a specific form of human activity can be called language.  The language of art is a combination of forms, symbols, signs and other semiotic concepts. Its essential characteristic is communicativeness and dialogue. The language of art fulfills its function only when there are people who understand this language.

Each form of art has its own language, it creates a unique image of the world and man. On the one hand, the work of art consists of real - physical material, and on the other hand, it is the bearer of sense, an unreal dimension. In order for a person to be able to interact with a work of art as such, he must understand its meaning. Understanding the sense implies knowledge of the language, signs, symbols, forms in which this sense is encoded. Art exists in signs and symbols. Thus, it is a peculiar language, in this sense it is a language of art, the knowledge of which is a necessary condition to understand the content realized in this language. Artistic language is characterized by unlimited variability, because the system of visual signs is modified and transformed in various ways in different forms of art, To match the artistic-creative method, it changes its face in the work of every artist. Therefore, we can say that the art form is both a visual model and a system of signs, a material construction and a special language that has aesthetic and communicative values at the same time.

The language of modern art expresses the spirit of postmodern culture. The specificity of postmodern aesthetics is related to the non-classical interpretation of the classical tradition. Postmodernism rejects the single meaning of a work of art. Such approaches led to the modification of basic aesthetic categories. The classical understanding of beauty, which was based on the intellect, carried within itself truth and goodness, is revealed by postmodern aesthetics as unfounded.




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