ხელოვნური ინტელექტის გამოყენება ინგლისური ენის სწავლა/სწავლების დროს უნივერსიტეტში
https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2024.09.07საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ხელოვნური ინტელექტი, ინგლისური ენის სწავლა/სწავლებაანოტაცია
The article deals with the use of artificial intelligence in the process of learning and teaching English. The author presents the results of her research. The article is interesting because the question is analyzed from two different sides - English language teachers and English language learners. The article states that the teachers are not actively using the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Most of them have not used it at all in the teaching process. However, the majority of English language teachers see the benefits of artificial intelligence and consider it necessary to include it in the teaching process. Unlike teachers, students use artificial intelligence more. Regarding the introduction of regulations, the majority of students and teachers believe that some regulations are needed to control the use of artificial intelligence.