დისკურსის მენეჯმენტის თავისებურებანი ინგლისურსა და ქართულ ინტერვიუში
The issue of correct discourse management is important in speech in general and in media discourse in particular, namely in interviews. If we take dialodicality - the peculiarity of an interview as a genre into account, which is characterized by duality (it means a double process of giving and receiving information: communication between the journalist and the respondent on the one hand, and based on this communication, the one between the editor and the reader on the other), Fluent discourse is doubly important in this complex scheme of communicating information correctly. Being one of the important members of the large family of pragmatic markers, discourse markers play an important role in discourse management. That is why it was considered interesting to conduct a comparative pragmatic analysis of the peculiarities of the functioning of discourse markers in two languages - English and Georgian. The research showed an interesting result, which is generalized in the conclusion.
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