ზევსი და ქალაქის დაარსების მითოლოგემა

ზევსი და ქალაქის დაარსების მითოლოგემა


  • რუსუდან ცანავა თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი image/svg+xml




 In all religions, whether pagan or monotheistic, the supreme deity is the creator of the universe and humans. However, Zeus cannot be credited with either. I believe the concept of Zeus as the father of the founders of countries and cities, important cultural     achievements, was developed to make up for the “deficiency”. Although not the creator of the world or the men, Zeus nevertheless engendered people who are at the origins of social life  (civilization) _ the heroes who built countries and cities, who challenged untrodden paths, lands and waters to reach the spots of power  and found a city. I will discuss the “city mythologem” based on the example of Thebes and Ilion. The way leading to a city is conceptualized as a conduit of culture, “fertilization” and cultivation. As regards the selection of city sites, the practice of looking for the so-called   “loci of power” goes back to prehistoric times. The city founders would perform special rituals before proceeding with cromlech-type settlement planning.According to primordial beliefs, all major cities have a sacral prototype. For example, constellations are the archetypes of all Babylonian cities. These archetypes not only precede their earthy correlates but abide forever in the celestial dimension. “Large cities”  play an important role in the history of humankind. Such are the cities of Thebes and Ilion.




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