For the issue of teaching literature at the basic ans secondary levels of the modern school

For the issue of teaching literature at the basic ans secondary levels of the modern school




Tha basic and secondary levels of the school are the most important in terms of teaching literature. The basic level deepens the knowledge-habits acquired in elementary school. At these stahes, emphasis is placed on problems and different points of view, which requires the search for alternative ways to solve them, reconciliation and expression of one’s attitude. All this depends on the professionalism of the teacher, on how he will be able to accustom his pupils to independent thinking, to develop tjeir own opinion on life, to stimulate thinking accordng to articles and abstracts, journalistic letters. After completing the basic level, the pupils should be able to undersdtand, analyze and evaluate information; understand and use communicative aspects, get to know the artistic text and express himself. After completing the secondary level, the pupils can master variouis proffessions, avtively participate in public life, analyze and evaluate information, understand and use the communicative aspects of the language.


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How to Cite

Gvinianidze, T. (2023). For the issue of teaching literature at the basic ans secondary levels of the modern school. Language and Culture.