არაბული (ანდალუსიური) ლიტერატურის განვითარების ეტაპები ესპანეთში

არაბული (ანდალუსიური) ლიტერატურის განვითარების ეტაპები ესპანეთში


  • ლეილა ქველიძე ქუთაისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი image/svg+xml


Centers of Arabic culture and literature of the Middle Ages were established in Spain. This is related to the Arab expansion in the Iberian Peninsula, which lasted for almost eight centuries. During this time, the Arabs together with the Berbers, as well as the Arabized local Visigoths, were able to spread the Arabic language and literature in Andalusia. In Spain, centers of Arab culture and literature of the Middle Ages were created. From the eighth century, when the Arabs settled in Spain, the area of Arab culture expanded. Cordova, Granada, Almeria, Valencia and others became its centers in Andalusia (Arabic Spain). In Andalusian literature of the 8th-10th centuries. classical currents prevailed, in which the new style invaded. Prominent representatives of the poetry of this era are Al-Ghazali, Ibn Abd Rabihi, Ibn Hani, Ibn Daraj, Ibn Hazmi. In the Andalusian literature of the eleventh century, local color, original themes and poetic types were established. The rise of Andalusian poetry was soon followed by a decline. Ibn Zaydun, Ibn Abdun, Ibn Hafaja worked in this era.  An important event was the emergence of the original forms of strophic poetry, Muvashshahi and Zajal. From Andalusia it spread to all Arab countries. In turn, he influenced the development of early Provençal poetry. Ibn Kuzman is the greatest representative of the Zajal genre. Ibn Hazm, the author of the seminal treatise "The Dove's Necklace", stands out in prose. It is worth noting the mystic Ibn Tufail, the author of the allegorical philosophical story "Hay Ibn Yaqzan". Since the twelfth century, the Sufi direction has been important in Arab culture, whose outstanding representative is the Andalusian poet and philosopher Ibn al-Arab. He developed Sufi symbolism. Thus, three periods of the development of Arabic literature in Spain are distinguished. The earliest samples of Andalusian literature date from the second half of the eighth century. Thus, the most common genre of poetry is vasfi. It was in the Andalusian literature that strophic poetry - muwashshahi was formed in the ninth century.




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