მარშალის გეგმა და თურქეთის ინსტიტუციური ტრანსფორმაცია

მარშალის გეგმა და თურქეთის ინსტიტუციური ტრანსფორმაცია


  • საბა ტაველიშვილი University of Georgia image/svg+xml




            In the second half of the XX century, relations between the USA and Turkey are getting tight and close. However, a new phase of relations arose a new need, fundamentally changing the foreign policy vector and ideological factor of Turkey.   It would be logical if Truman’s doctrine would be considered the starting point and decisive aspect of the relations between the sides, as well as revealing secret documents, by the US State Department, where secret negotiations between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were described. Truman’s Doctrine was constructed to detain the Soviet Union and prevent communism from spreading.     Institutional development (that was the consequence of Marshall’s Plan), prompted Turkey to become a member-state of the powerful military alliance NATO. The abovementioned ideas and facts arise new questions for further analysis, accordingly, the article would try to answer the following questions:

  • What material impact has the Marshall Plan made on Turkey’s economic, political, and military institutions?
  • What was the ideological impact on the Turkish political elite, after revealing the secret negotiations between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, discussing, and dividing Turkish straits?




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