Analysis of a poetry slam text from an interdisciplinary perspective

Analysis of a poetry slam text from an interdisciplinary perspective


  • Ramaz Svanidze ქუთაისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი image/svg+xml



The article presents the poetry slam genre and its role in the development of modern literature. The poetry slam contribution consists of two parts and lasts a total of around 6 minutes. In the small introduction, the following main text is framed according to the situation. Using the multimodal, rhetorical-linguistic analysis, it was found that many components contribute to the success of the slam text. In addition to the verbal content, this includes non- and paraverbal aspects, emotions and attitudes. The I-parallel sentences, simple syntactic structures, foreign-language phrases and repetitions express the emotions on the textual level. In addition to the first-person narrator, there are also voices from other protagonists. The audience gives their direct feedback such as laughter, applause and screams off screen. The central themes of the poetry slam contribution, prejudices and the question of guilt, are examined from different perspectives. Furthermore, the comment column is also analyzed. In addition, a methodical and didactic handling of this text is sugg




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