მითის მხატვრული რეცეფცია ვაჟა-ფშაველას ,,გველისმჭამელში“
Mythology and showings have special place in Vaja-pshavela's various artistic inheritance. our interest is defined about on the example of the writer's poem "Gvelismchameli" with the problem of mythological defination. we deem, that the issue about mythological functions view is the most difficult in this poem. Its natural, that the depth of author's artistic inheritance caused many opposite point of views. some part of researchers think that mythology in Vaja-pshavela's poems have only esthetic function and others believe that the writer's artistic mentality based on mythology. we think, that mythology in Vaja-Pshavela’s poem “Gvelismchameli” has author’s worldview function.
ვაჟა-ფშაველა https://tagiweb.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/fiqrebi-vefkhistyaosnis-shesakheb-1911-gv-2/ 4.03.2023.
ვაჟა-ფშაველა https://tagiweb.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/kritika-b-ip-varthagavasi/ 4.03.2023.