On the issue of the semantics of the title of the Saša Stanišić’s essay „Doppelpunktnomade“

On the issue of the semantics of the title of the Saša Stanišić’s essay „Doppelpunktnomade“


  • Nino Kvirikadze ქუთაისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი image/svg+xml




This article deals with the issue of the semantics of the title of the essay by the German-Bosnian writer Saša Stanišić “Doppelpunktnomade”. The functional aspects of the title of this essay are studied for the first time using the structural-semantic method. An analysis is proposed in the context of the heading detail and other details in the composition of word rows that permeate the entire text space of the work. The detail is considered as a mobile link in the dynamic microstructure of the essay, and it can move from one word series to another, building up new meanings. Our goal is to trace the movement of the studied details throughout the text of the work, gradually revealing and deriving their semantics in various parts of the text. An analysis of the details (especially the title detail) shows that the protagonist of the essay has not one, but two homelands.




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