გენეტიკური ტრავმა, როგორც ბედისწერის საკრალური გამგე
According to Christian studies, we have been accompanied by the sin of Adam and Eva from the very beginning, and it influences our being. Psychology strengthens all the last ones in terms of science and discusses that sin committed by an ancestor, or trauma, is genetically heired to us and settles down in our subconsciousness. Research on transferring intergenerational trauma has originated from the studies of the families that survived during the Holocaust, and it has been formed as a considerable theory. In this report, according to the theory of genetic trauma, a versatile, exciting and problematic play belonged to the greatest 19th-century Norwegian author, regarded as “a father of modernism”, Henrik Ibsen’s “Ghosts” is analyzed precisely a tragedical fortune of the leading character, Oswald is defined by the regularity of trauma theory.
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ჯავახიშვილი დ. (2017) „ტოტალიტარული რეპრესიებით გამოწვეული ფსიქოსოციალური ტრავმის გავლენა და თაობათაშორისი გადაცემა საქართველოს მაგალითზე“. თბილისი. 3-295.
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