Some features of the writer’s language (Rezo Cheishvili)

Some features of the writer’s language (Rezo Cheishvili)


  • Mariam Chikovani Akaki Tsereteli State University



პირდაპირი ნათქვამი, მხატვრული ტექსტი, ფუნქციური სპექტრი


The paper aims to illustrate the functional specter of represented speech, its representation in the  structure of narration of a  literary text, and its role in forming and decoding the hierarchy of fictional images (the fictional image of an author, the fictional image of a narrator – the fictional image of a character). The process exposes a mechanism how the represented speech participates in the formation of individual images of the system.  English prose makes apparent that represented speech is an inextricable part of a literary text and closely linked to authorial report. This connection is exhibited not only on the surface of the text but also in its deep structure. The process of deep contamination, as the basis of the concept of represented speech, allows the individual space of a character  to be merged with that of a narrator. The result is as follows: The individual space of a narrator is subjectivised and the individual space of a narrator is objectivized. In one and the same text segment the unity of two individual images is created, where the image of the author is also perceived. It follows from this that represented speech is an independent structural form and stylistic device, which fosters to create the space of a character within a text segment and retains the unity of the text. 


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How to Cite

Chikovani, M. (2022). Some features of the writer’s language (Rezo Cheishvili). Language and Culture, (28).


