About one literary review published in France

About one literary review published in France


  • Rusudan Nishnianidze Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University




     ,,I want to give you a beggar from afar, from Lake Boden”, - Grigol Robakidze began his letter with these words, In which he expressed his sorrow over the death of the writer and researcher Mikheil Tsulukidze; He published it in the magazine #15 ,,Kartveli Eri”(,,Georgian Nation”) in Berlin.       Mikheil Tsulukidze (1887-1944) died in emigration. The relationship between these two people started in Tbilisi and continued in Germany. This time, I will talk about the literary review written by Tsulukidze, which he published in France in the popular Georgian newspaper ,,Damoukidebeli Saqartvelo” (,,Independent Georgia”).It was the body of a number of large party unions. It was published in 1926-1939. Such popularity of the newspaper was due to the fact that completely different authors created a diverse picture. The literary review "Tamaziana" was published in the newspaper "Independent Georgia" in Paris in 1934. The newspaper discusses Grigol Robakidze's novel, which was published in 1933 in Jena, Germany. The letter is interesting in many ways: First of all - it refers to Grigol Robakidze's novel, secondly - the title "Killed Soul", as translated by the one in Germany. Third -  quality of criticism. Another value of the views expressed should be emphasized. Despite the criticism, their personal relationships do not change, moreover, colleagues listen to each other attentively. This is writing. Mikheil Tsulukidze's small literary part is noteworthy among the reviews written about the novel.


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რობაქიძე გრ. (1994):,, ჩაკლული სული“, გამომც. ,,გეა“, თბილისი

რობაქიძე გრ. (2012) ,,საკრალური წყობა“, ნაწერები, წიგნი IV პუბლიცისტიკა, ეპისტოლარული

მემკვიდრეობა, გამომც. ,,ლიტერატურის მუზეუმი“, თბილისი

რობაქიძე გრ. (1944): მიხეილ წულუკიძის ხსოვნას, ჟურნ. ,,ქართველი ერი“№15 ბერლინი 39

წერეთელი მიხ. (1964): გამოსათხოვარი, ისტორიული, ლიტერატურული და სამეცნიერო კრებული

,,ბედი ქართლისა“№47 პარიზი 14

წულუკიძე მიხ. (1934): ,,თამაზიანა,“ გაზ. ,,დამოუკიდებელი საქართველო“ №106 X. პარიზი 11-12

https://www.ice.g e/liv/liv/ganmartebiti.php




How to Cite

Rusudan Nishnianidze. (2022). About one literary review published in France. Language and Culture. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2022.805