Morphological features of Ioseb Tsilosani’s book “New Dialogues”

Morphological features of Ioseb Tsilosani’s book “New Dialogues”




Various works have been written recently in order to teach Turkish to foreigners. One of these work was written by Joseph Lazarevich Tsilossani, who was originally Georgian scientist. The title of the book comes “New Dialogues” In Russian, French, Turkish, Azerbaijani (Azeri Turkish) with Cyrillic Transcription of the Last Two Languages” ‹‹Новые разговоры на Российском, Французском, Турецком и Татарском языках с русским произношением двух последних››. In the book, the section “New Dialogues” is written in Russian and French in capital letters. Below them is shown in which languages the dialogues are written. In addition, the name of the book is given in Turkish with Arabic letters too. “New Dialogues” which is written in a type of dictionary is rich not only its vocabulary, but also with its grammatical diversity. As a result of phonetic, lexical and morphological analysis it can be said, that the dialogues in Turkish part belong to Anatolian Turkish North-Eastern dialects.


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How to Cite

Tchankvetadze, M. (2023). Morphological features of Ioseb Tsilosani’s book “New Dialogues”. Language and Culture.