Prevention of Intellectual Development Disorder

Prevention of Intellectual Development Disorder


  • Iagor Balanchivadze Akaki Tsereteli State University
  • Marekh Nikoladze Akaki Tsereteli State University



Intellectual Disorder, Prevention, Consultation, Assessment, Disorder, Diagnosis


The article discusses the necessity of preventing intellectual development disorders. Impaired intellectual development is a lifelong complication for a person and it is impossible to cure it, so prevention is very important. The article discusses three levels of prevention.Genetic counseling - Prospective parents who already have a child with an intellectual disability are usually aware of the risk to future children. Accurate professional advice will help them think and make reasoned decisions about having another child.Primary prevention involves a set of approaches that reduce or eliminate the risk of intellectual development disruption. Prenatal - Avoid pregnancy before the age of 21 and after the age of 35 to reduce complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Prenatal screening / diagnosis of at-risk parents would be good.Perinatal - Pregnant women should add iodized salt to their diet to prevent iodine deficiency and also to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and substances including alcohol, nicotine and cocaine.Postnatal - universal immunization of children according to the schedule of vaccines recommended by WHO; Timely treatment of acute diarrhea and brain infections in childhood;Secondary (secondary) counseling aimed at early diagnosis and treatment. IQ and social adaptation tests for early detection of intellectual development disorders are already available and can be adapted. Once a child is identified as having an intellectual development disorder, it is essential to take care of the optimal development of the child's potential.A third who seek to limit violations are separated from family and community roles. The best place for children with intellectual disabilities is his family. Support services are really needed to help families deal with the situation with confidence and less stress. No program can succeed without the participation and involvement of the community.People with intellectual disabilities should become an integral part of society, should not be isolated, separated or discriminated.The government has a responsibility to provide optimal services to adequately address the needs of people with intellectual disabilities. This includes strengthening and making effective use of existing services in the health, education and welfare sectors.


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How to Cite

Iagor Balanchivadze, & Marekh Nikoladze. (2022). Prevention of Intellectual Development Disorder. Language and Culture, (27).


