Akaki Tsereteli State University Niko Nikoladze and newspaper „The Obsor“ about the 1878-1878 „Russian-Osmalian“ war and the reunion of south-west Georg

Akaki Tsereteli State University Niko Nikoladze and newspaper „The Obsor“ about the 1878-1878 „Russian-Osmalian“ war and the reunion of south-west Georg


  • Giga Basiladze Akaki Tsereteli State University




   XIX century is one of the difficult and interesting periods in Georgian History. This is the very century characterised by  contradictory events such as losing governmental state, reviving nationality, reuniting historical territories and population with native land, unifying Georgians as one nation within the Russian empire. Under the Tsarism  helm,  Georgian people managed not only to survive and consolidate, but also to get back the patches and population lost centuries ago. Goergian patriotic intellctual society was actively involoved in the process that used Russin power to get back territories conquered by Osmalia. The above mentioned are exacltly the issues that the article elaborates on. It demonstrates the publistic letters of Great Georgian activist and publisher Niko Nikoladze  published in Russian Newspapers.


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How to Cite

Giga Basiladze. (2022). Akaki Tsereteli State University Niko Nikoladze and newspaper „The Obsor“ about the 1878-1878 „Russian-Osmalian“ war and the reunion of south-west Georg. Language and Culture, (27). https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2022.953