Akaki Tsereteli’s Unknown Letters and Case of their Ascription

Akaki Tsereteli’s Unknown Letters and Case of their Ascription


  • Nana Pruidze Georgian University




Akaki Tsereteli, „Dubia“, Unknown Letters


It is a common knowledge that sometimes writers consciously publish their works with hidden identity. That has several reasons. Writer’s contemporaries and especially their closest circle know about it, but as the time passes, more difficult it gets for scientists to find out who the author is. If we are not be able to understand whole litetary legacy of a writer, we can not study it either. This is why when publishing classics, they pay attention to other  works as well which may be written by same author.  Those works which do not have a certain author and need extra research are published in different collection of works called „Dubia“. As the time passes if any research will confirm author, in the next academic publication text will move to the main part. If proven oppositely, that kind of text will be removed from „Dubia“ as well.Generally, finding out the author is very difficult process and it needs to be researched in 3 main directions. Most important, surely, is finding documentary source; Also research must reveal lingual-stylish resemblance with author’s real and assumed works.It is important that non of Akaki’s publications have „Dubia“, but there are some texts which may by written by him.Our subject of research are two articles written in 1905-1906: „What Was Exposed?“ (Iveria, 1905, #45) and „Pettiness of Imereti’s Noblemen“ (Paper of Notice, 1906, #3034). We think that author of both articles is Akaki Tsereteli and since this assumption does not have any direct proof, it has to be published in so called „gypothetical“ block. To achieve that, „Dubia“ must be added to Akaki Tsereteli’s whole academic publications on which currently works Technical department of Shota Rustaveli institute of Georgian Literature.


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გურგენიძე ნ., გორგაძე ი., - აკაკი წერეთელი, ცხოვრებისა და შემოქმედების მატიანე. ბიბლიოგრაფიული ქრონიკა 1840-1915. თბილისი, „მეცნიერება“,1989.

ზარდიაშვილი ე., - აკაკის ერთი ხელმოუწერელი სტატიის ატრიბუციისათვის. სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი „ლიტერატურული ძიებანი, #35, გვ. 284-288. თბილისი, 2014.

ივერია. ყოველ-დღიური საპოლიტიკო და სალიტერტურო გაზეთი, თბ. 1905, #43.

ფრუიძე ნ., - აკაკის უცნობი წერილი 1906 წლის რეპესიების შესახებ.სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი „ენა და კულტურა“, #25, გვ/ 115-122. ქუთაისი, 2021.

ცნობის ფურცელი. ყოველ-დღიური გამოცემა, თბ., 1906, #3034




How to Cite

Nana Pruidze. (2022). Akaki Tsereteli’s Unknown Letters and Case of their Ascription. Language and Culture, (27). https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2022.950


