Basic studying directions of conceptualization process

Basic studying directions of conceptualization process


  • Nona Kopaliani Akaki Tsereteli State University



conceptualization, dynamic, ontological, verbal, nonverbal


The article discusses the actuality of researching the process of linguistic conceptualization, the nature of conceptualization as a linguistic concept and the main problems that are of particular interest to scholars. The existence of a conceptual level in modern linguistics is widely acknowledged, although there are different opinions relate to the issue of determining its status. The paper shows different views on the status of the conceptual level. It talks about its content and levels; The fundamental concepts are highlighted and their usage in the conceptual system is emphasized. Conceptualization is viewed as a two-way event: as a dynamic process of human cognitive processing of information that connects(combines) the external world, the human inner world, and the linguistic picture; And as a result - a picture of a world structured in the form of concepts. The paper describes the main features of the conceptualization process: its inherent, i.e. essentially dynamic [Langaker] and ontological [Ruzin] nature. Exactly these characteristics define the unstable, flexible nature of concepts, the existence of verbal and nonverbal conceptual content. The paper also discusses the heterogeneity of the conceptual system, which is reflected in the fact that its individual sections have different meanings in the overall structure.


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How to Cite

Nona Kopaliani. (2022). Basic studying directions of conceptualization process . Language and Culture, (27).


