Issues of Georgian traditional medicine and history of medicines (Ethnohistorical parallels)

Issues of Georgian traditional medicine and history of medicines (Ethnohistorical parallels)


  • Ramaz Khachapuridze Akaki Tsereteli State University



In the ancient Georgian written sources, the combination of the healing methods given in the ancient medical carabiners with folk recipes has clearly shown that several effective remedies are still preserved in the folk memory. Researcher N. Mindadze notes: "It is not excluded that some medicines were established in folk medicine under the influence of Georgian official medicine" [N. Mindadze, N. Chirgadze, 2005, p. 53].  Medication has the same long history as medicine, in the modern sense of the term. That is, from the moment when the primitive people "from the expulsion of evil spirits (for which they used various spells, talismans and amulets), began to take practical measures of healing, which was manifested first in the use of heat and cold, and then herbs, minerals and animals. From animal remedies - milk, snake skin and turtle shell. But most of the medicines, at least, were of plant origin, for example cassia, myrrh, kvliavi (root), part of the cut seed, part of the roots, branches, date palm, etc.Plants were preserved, stored in small portions or prepared in powder form. By that time, various chemical-technological processes were known (filtration, dilution, crushing, distillation, drying, steam extraction), on the basis of which primitive pharmaceutical technology was created.


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How to Cite

Ramaz Khachapuridze. (2022). Issues of Georgian traditional medicine and history of medicines (Ethnohistorical parallels). Language and Culture.