For the Issue of Normative Acts Regulating Inclusive education

For the Issue of Normative Acts Regulating Inclusive education


  • Gvantsa Chanturia Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
  • Khatia Khatiashvili Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University



The article discusses the legal frameworks of different countries, which is important for a better understanding of inclusive education.It should be noted that the fourth goal of sustainable development is to provide the quality education. Everyone should receive equal education, eliminate inequality in the educational system, increase the number of qualified teachers - This implies that all people should be educated regardless of their peculiarities, except in the case of mental retardation. Consequently, in addition to the two main missions - Education and Science- the university has a third mission. It is a quality life-long education and community development through a variety of projects. Therefore, the introduction of inclusive education at the highest level is a direct demand and need. This is regulated by the existing legislative and normative acts in this field.It is noteworthy that in the context of globalization, legislative norms are formed taking into account all the principles and norms offered by the international community. Protecting the rights of people with disabilities is an important issue, but it must also be done by providing additional guarantees of their equality and discrimination. One of the main point is that no person shall be denied a right to an education.The article discusses mainly the cases of Sweden and Georgia. We studied laws and regulations in these countries. All these documents highlight that all people have the right to education and every state must respect this right. The legislation is arranged differently in every country and in many countries it is in the process of refinement. However, it should be noted that a lot is being done in Georgia, but there is still a lot to be done.


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How to Cite

Gvantsa Chanturia, & Khatia Khatiashvili. (2022). For the Issue of Normative Acts Regulating Inclusive education. Language and Culture.