For the role of antithesis in advertisements in English
Antithesis, advertisement, juxtaposition, linguistic featuresAbstract
Our article is about the oftentimes decisive role of antithesis in advertisements and its linguistic features. A cleverly and creatively composed advertisement is often based on juxtaposition of the opposites, be it times- past or present or future or anything else. Drawing on the material from The New Yorker და The New York Style Magazine, we studied various examples of our subject matter. In most cases antitheses were formed by antonyms and parallel structures. Various types of repetition are also characteristic of antithesis and its expressiveness is usually achieved through metaphors and personification.
არისტოტელე (1981): რიტორიკა. თბილისი. თბილისის უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა. თარგმანი თამარ კუკავასი;
Гальперин И. Р. (1981): Стилистика Английского языка. Москва « Высшая школа»;
The New York Style Magazine. Issue March 25, 2018;
The New Yorker. Issues of 2019, 2018, 2015, 2013, 2012.