For the Semantics and Structure of Phraseological Units of the Bible

For the Semantics and Structure of Phraseological Units of the Bible


  • Tsisana Modebadze Gogebashvili state University



Biblical phraseological units, semantic groups, structure, nominal, verbal, adjectival


The aim of our study is to define the semantics  and structure of phraseological units of the Bible and their classification in groups according to different features. In the course of the research we differenciated two kinds of such phraseological units: those that are within the Bible text and those that are not in the Bible, yet contain Biblical names, places and events. According to their semantics we devided them into following categories: of time, of hope, of good beating evil, the omnipotence of God, of death, of betrayial, of nudity, etc. In terms of structure, there are many nominal, verbal and adjectivalphraseological units. In German, there are also Biblical phraseological units containing a comparision.


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How to Cite

Tsisana Modebadze. (2022). For the Semantics and Structure of Phraseological Units of the Bible. Language and Culture.