Flipped Classroom Model in Learning Four Skills of a Foreign Language

Flipped Classroom Model in Learning Four Skills of a Foreign Language


  • Ekaterine Vatsadze Akaki Tsereteli State University




Recently terms ‘Blended Learning’, ‘Flipped Classroom’, online teaching are becoming more and more common and widespread due to their convenience and appropriateness for Pandemic period.Although the terms ‘Blended Learning’ and ‘Flipped Classroom’ bear different concepts, they really have a lot in common. Blended Learning, as the term itself refers to, is an educational approach which involves traditional classroom and online activities and is realized in the flipped classroom.  As for flipped classroom, it was developed by American Educators Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams in 2000 (Bergman and Sams,2012).  Flipped class is learner-centered and teaching process is flipped in the way  that learners  have direct access to that content of the lesson before going to school/university. Consequently, the teacher/lecturer becomes a facilitator, a supporter rather than an instructor, who helps students in the transition process from knowledge acquisition of skills and competences. More precisely, in a conventional classroom situation, instruction is given to students to complete a task. On the other hand, in a flipped classroom teaching setting, the teaching content, as well as activities are provided online to students in advance so that they get access and read through the materials before attending a classroom or an online lesson. Therefore, when they attend the actual classroom or an online lecture, they are entirely familiar with the content of the lesson and activities (Iyer, 2019:2).


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How to Cite

Ekaterine Vatsadze. (2022). Flipped Classroom Model in Learning Four Skills of a Foreign Language. Language and Culture. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2022.786