South American Myth and William Faulkner

South American Myth and William Faulkner


  • Nana Gubeladze Akaki Tsereteli State University



After the defeat of the Civil War between North and South America in 1861 and 1865. The South was no longer able to participate fully and freely in the development of American society. All of this was due to the South's intolerance of failure and a sense of exclusion. He felt his own identity most strongly when the self-consciousness of the American nation was being formed. William Faulkner is a writer who has painfully suffered the defeat of the South, whose every work deals with the theme of the South. W. Faulkner believes that the Civil War weakened economically, socially, and psychologically advanced families. The breakdown of old values ​​contributed to the mythology of the past, to pre-war wealthy whites - the planters were highly noble, polite, gallant, chivalrous, honest, genuine men, adorned with high human dignity. The family cult was highly valued in the South. Such was the myth of the South, who turned a blind eye to vices, disguised under a mask of false romance. For his sins, though they also had their reasons, two years of slavery was already perceived as a natural phenomenon.  Faulkner makes a long, sometimes painful, and heroic judgment of Southern myth in his work. He has turned his pride towards the past, against the despair of the present, and this opposite position causes tension in his works. He evaluated not only the present past, but also the past through myth and, of course, myth through the morality, that emerged from the study of this whole process. Such an understanding of myth is clearly not just one important aspect of W. Faulkner's work.


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How to Cite

Nana Gubeladze. (2022). South American Myth and William Faulkner. Language and Culture.