Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani’s “Wisdom of Lies” (Allegory of the title of the work, language, style)

Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani’s “Wisdom of Lies” (Allegory of the title of the work, language, style)


  • Leila Abzianidze Akaki Tsereteli State University



Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani is the best represantative of fiction. The onforgettable book “The Wisdom of Lies” has a special place in his artistic work. The originality of Saba’s genius was revealed in the work. In general, the title of the work gives us an idea of the writer’s style ans abilities, his language. Analyzing the title is almost enough to evaluate its artistic side. The title for the work is the same as the eye for a human, or a window to a man’s abode. To evaluate the artistic side of the work, Orbeliani’s lie is a fairy tale, arakia, a proverb, but a fairy tale and fable are both wisdom and lies. “The Wisdom of Lies” is a brilliant example of an allegory.The work is written in a rare, sophisticated artistic language. Sulkhan-Saba  introduced and legalized the spoken vernacular. A key feature of Sulkhan-Saba’s style is the use of short, redundant sentences, both is separate and complex suntactic constructions, with the abundant use of the verb-listener, which gives the narrative a special dynamism and liveliness.


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ა. ბარამიძე, სულხან–საბა ორბელიანი, თბ. 1959

ა. ბარამიძე, ილ. ჭავჭავაძე და ძველი ქართული მწერლობის საკითხები, თბ., 1975

ლ. კვაჭაძე, თანამედროვე ქართული ენის სინტაქსი, თბ., 1966

სულხან–საბა ორბელიანი, „სიბრძნე სიცრუისა“ თბილისი, 1986

ს. ცაიშვილი, ქართული მწერლობა, თბ., ტ. VII

შ. ძიძიგური, ქართული სალიტერატურო ენის ისტორიისათვის, თბ., 1959




How to Cite

Leila Abzianidze. (2022). Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani’s “Wisdom of Lies” (Allegory of the title of the work, language, style). Language and Culture.