Callenges for teaching Georgian language Phonetics in high schools

Callenges for teaching Georgian language Phonetics in high schools


  • Gabriel Tagauri



Significant and important details should be taken into account when planning a Phonetics training course. As you know, the Morphology and Syntax of the Georgian language are taught in small doses at school, and thus, these subjects are somewhat familiar to the entrants. But we can not say the same about "Phonetics". This scientific discipline is a completely new fruit for first-year students of the Philology contingent, which puts lecturers in front of great responsibilities and serious difficulties. Thus, when working out a Phonetics lecture course, we must carefully select the issues that we will provide to students seeking new knowledge, not in terms of learning and mastery, but in terms of assessment and cognition. We hope that the model we have developed will give the freshman the opportunity to think rationally, to choose and to formulate his own position, even to identify/develop a new theory/point of view, and to create his scientific skills.


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How to Cite

Gabriel Tagauri. (2021). Callenges for teaching Georgian language Phonetics in high schools. Language and Culture, (25), 159–166.


