A ‘Version’ in the languages of different systems

A ‘Version’ in the languages of different systems


  • Nunu Charkviani
  • Irma Rusadze
  • Sopo Kipiani




version, Languages from different system, Morphological categories


The article deals with one of the language phenomena so called ‘version’ in the languages of different systems. A version has been supposed to be a morphological category of a verb in Georgian for a long time. Its function to show verb action possession between the parts of the sentence is conveyed in English through analytical forms with the help of additional words and through verb prefixes (synthetically) in Georgian. So, the work demonstrates version functioning in both languages in different ways through the examples from fiction.Besides, the article discusses a debatable issue whether this language phenomenon represents a verb grammatical category or it is simply an action direction. This supposition comes from the fact that the very prefixes for version in Georgian and the very additional words in English used to express this phenomenon cause some confusion in language learners and even in language explorers to consider version a morphological category. Also, in the bases of opinions of Georgian linguistics ‘version’ might be hardly qualified as a grammatical category.


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How to Cite

Nunu Charkviani, Irma Rusadze, & Sopo Kipiani. (2021). A ‘Version’ in the languages of different systems. Language and Culture, (25), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2021.631


