Linguistic Means for Expressing Emotions in a Literary Text

Linguistic Means for Expressing Emotions in a Literary Text


  • Nino Sarajishvili
  • Giorgi Kuparadze



emotional state, literary text, personal image, structural-semantic models, load / colouring


A description of semantics is the means of expressing emotions that can be used in any literary work. We investigate and analyze the text, conduct the research of its lexical and semantic units from different dimensions.In the present paper, we deal with a complete description of the inner world of the characters in a literary work, their spiritual or emotional state of mind through the linguistic means that are used by the authors to fully display the personal images of the main characters and to perceive them thoroughly by the reader.The conducted analysis has shown that through the structural-semantic dynamics and pragmatic analysis and particular emphasis is made on the practical aspect of what type of information is realised by the addresser (character) while expressing this or that kind of emotion and how the recipient perceives this information based on the protagonist’s behaviour in a given particular case.We have foregrounded structural-semantic models of basic emotions and linguistic means containing emotions. The study of the pragmatic potential of the expression of emotions is indeed valuable for the pragmatics of a literary text, for the scrupulous understanding of various nations’ history, which inevitably reflects and will reflect in future the wide range of tasks of modern linguistics.Finally, we should also conclude that emotional load/coloring in a literary text can be represent better and perceive a characters’ cultural speech, which implies the correctness and exactness of the characters' use of the means of expressing emotions during the interaction.


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How to Cite

Nino Sarajishvili, & Giorgi Kuparadze. (2021). Linguistic Means for Expressing Emotions in a Literary Text. Language and Culture, (25), 50–56.


