Punctuality, Thruthfulness and clear writing

Punctuality, Thruthfulness and clear writing





სიმართლე, პუნქტუალობა, სიმართლის წერა


The journalist's duty is to write the truth. Mystery, on the other hand, is a part of the true whole that potentially exists. If the journalist made a mistake while preparing the text, used short names of toponyms, distorted the identity of the respondent, did not check, then the information will obviously not be effective. The reason for this is punctuality. As a result, the newspaper loses its readers, subscribers, and this brings the newspaper to the brink of bankruptcy. Therefore, one of the most important issues of journalistic work is punctuality and writing with accuracy, and the journalist's duty is a high responsibility to the reading public, editors and colleagues. The journalistic text should be concise, flexible and easy to understand not only for a specific category of readers, but also for the general public. What are the main symptoms that complicate the media text, degrade it. These are: euphemisms, acronyms, clerical cliches, economic jargon, narrowly specialized terminologies (medical, economic, military, political, etc.), pleonasm ("weed words"), tautology, archaisms, distorted and changed idiomatic expressions, calcification of foreign language borrowed vocabulary, jargonisms, vulgarisms, barbarisms and other "isms".


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How to Cite

Jikia, N., & Charkviani, N. (2024). Punctuality, Thruthfulness and clear writing. Language and Culture, (32), 219–223. https://doi.org/10.52340/lac.2024.32.29


