Challenges in Identifying Sentence Components in the Teaching Process
Sentence Components, Identifying, difficulties in teachingAbstract
The issue of syntactic qualification of words within a sentence represents a significant challenge in the study of Georgian syntax. Difficulties arise in identifying both the principal and secondary components of a sentence. These challenges stem from various specific causes, but the overarching reason lies in the structural complexity of the Georgian language and the diversity of its identification markers. To determine the function of a target word, the learner must simultaneously consider both morphosyntactic and semantic features, which, in some cases, are not immediately apparent and, in others, may even contradict each other.
This article discusses certain challenges related to identifying the principal components of a sentence (the subject and direct object), which are integral to the teaching process. In some cases, the root cause of these challenges lies in the current practice of defining concepts. Frequently, definitions emphasize semantic features while overshadowing morphosyntactic aspects. Although grammatical features are typically provided, the relationship between semantics and form is often inconsistent. This inconsistency complicates the effective use of semantic and grammatical tools in sentence analysis.
During the teaching process, it is crucial to demonstrate the connections between phenomena to students and develop their ability to analyze situations and draw accurate conclusions using both semantic and morphosyntactic tools.
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