Towards several aspects of the ancient Greek-Georgian linguistic-cultural relationship
ბერძნულ-ქართული ურთიერთობაა, ენობრივ-კულტურული ურთიერთობაAbstract
The ancient toponyms and names related to the story of the Argonauts (including Aia-Kolkheti and Kutaia) show a relationship with the Georgian linguistic world, which should echo the results of a specific Mycenaean expedition that was actually carried out; the contacts that the Mycenaean world had with the Georgian world of the eastern Black Sea coast; and the realities that had to be connected with the supposed purpose of the Argonauts' expedition.
The cult of Georgian Nana is assumed in the Eneolothi period. Small statues of women, which are considered the iconography of fertility and life-protecting deities, are connected to the Caucasian earlier culture. Based on mythological data, Nana is the goddess of nature, life, fertility, light, and she is also considered the patroness of love.
It is not excluded that the name of the goddess Nana is related to stems with identical form (which is confirmed throughout the Caucasus), and whose meaning varies ("mother", "child", "grandmother"...) but common, the connecting root is unchanged - it is a meaninga feminine one.
The fact that a series of bronze objects found on the island of Samos (a statue of a female deity with a child sitting on a horse etc.), whose Caucasian origin theory was considered to be confirmed, has now been specifically linked to the Kolkhi environment (T. Mikeladze) is very noteworthy.
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