For the question of the purpose of education, Montessori in the pedagogical system
Montessori, pedagogical systemAbstract
The Montessori pedagogical system of the famous Italian doctor, humanist, psychologist, teacher and anthropologist occupies a prominent place in the global educational space. As a result of many years of intensive creative work, he was able to create a well-established system that views education as a set of life skills. According to Montessori, the child throughout the period of upbringing and education was focused on establishing his place in the world. The goal of education was the formation of a "worldly mind", "worldview" and a sense of responsibility towards humanity.
Montessori's approach to moral education is important, he thought that "satisfying the intellectual needs of a person - serves to strengthen his morals. The essence of moral education is the activation of inner perception, which establishes order: It distinguishes good from evil.
მონტესორი მ., ჩემი მეთოდი: დაწყებითი განათლება, თარგმანი ლ. კუხიანიძის, საგამომცემლო ცენტრი „ქუთაისი”, 2014 წ.
ჭოხონელიძე ნ., მარია მონტესორის პედაგოგიური იდეები და თანამედროვეობა, ქუთაისი,2020
Сорокова М. Г.,Система М. Монтессори -Теориа и практика; Москва, Академиа, 2003 г.